Pedialyte, Miralax: can we trust pediatricians?


We trust our pediatricians right? WRONG! Sorry peeps, for most things yes, but trusting our pediatricians is just something I have realized that we can not do blindly. Why? Because what they have been trained to tell us, isn't always checked, or is dated, or they never looked into it themselves... or hey, its the medical industry, not to sound paranoid, but mostly its all about the money and what industry or company can figure out a way to get recommended. Anyhow I have some things that I have been recommended, and almost didn't think twice about, but I'm SO GLAD I DID! 

First off Pedialyte...

When Makena (my daughter) came down with her first cold, they recommended pedialite, so in such desperation to help her I went straight to the store and bought it. I didn't even think to check the label until I got home (I should have known). Listed ingredients included, wait for it.... RED 40, WTF! "Red 40 contains p-Cresidine, which the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says is “reasonably anticipated” to be a human carcinogen." Laymans terms, cancer causing! Seriously, cancer causing ingredients in a drink made for babies?!? - there are natural versions that you can make at home and you can find the recipe here. Please remember to read the label, even if your pediatrician has recommended it. 

Secondly.... Miralax 

My daughter has struggled with constipation and at our most recent visit the recommended a twice daily dose of Miralax. In desperation I just wanted to go out right away and buy it, but after doing that the first time with Pedialyte I went to the store and took a peek at the label on the Miralax... I can describe that label in one word... SCARY! Then I started my research. The article I found made me thank god I didn't blindly follow the pediatricians advise. Some highlights from the article "Miralax has never been approved by the FDA for pediatric use... The FDA admits to years of reports of tremors, tics and obsessive-compulsive behavior in children given laxatives containing PEG 3350, the active ingredient in Miralax. A 2014 FDA investigation into the safety of Miralax discovered that tiny amounts of ethylene glycol (EG) and diethylene glycol (DEG), the main ingredients in antifreeze were found in all batches of the drug (Miralax) they tested."

AGAIN, YES (and sorry for being crass, but WTF!). This article also has great solutions for Natural Approaches to Constipation in Kids, so no need to use Miralax, I would urge you to try the solutions in this article first. 

As I move forward in my journey as a new momma I will update this article, but if you have any other things you have been recommended and were surprised after researching more about it, please share in the comments below, or email me and I can update my post. Us mommas have to look out for each other, thanks again mommas, hope this was helpful!